Thursday, May 9, 2013

Aubrey's 10th Month

A little late (ok a lot late), but better late than never, right?!? I'll post the 11 month one soon, too:)

Firsts: Easter, Easter egg hunt drinking out of a big girl cup, food: chicken, watermelon, cantaloupe, ice cream

News Headlines: The Catholics get a new pope…Pope Francis

Mommy’s favorite: when I say, “give me kisses” and you suck your lips in and make a kissy noise
Daddy’s Favorites: watching you stand like a big girl

Milestones: You are standing unassisted for several seconds (I think you could stand a little longer than you do, but you think its funny to sit down or lunge at me)

Measurements: About 17lbs. and about 27.5 inches I’d guess. You are in such an awkward size right now.  Your Easter dress was a size 3-6 months, but most of your other 3-6 months’ are getting too small. The problem is you are long and narrow, so you are in the next size up (either 6-9 or 6-12 months) for length, but still in a 3-6 for weight in some clothes.  You wear size 3 diapers.

Like Mommy: You love juice boxes!! You look so cute when you are concentrating so hard to suck out of the little straw.

Like Daddy: You love spending time outside and are always greeting people you see.

Funniest Moment: You do little things every day that make us laugh. One example from this past month would have to be you swiping the goldfish. You’ve recently found a love for snacks and Mommy was eating gold fish. You reached for one so I would bite them in half and give you a tiny piece.  Apparently that wasn’t good enough because I looked and found you reaching your hand in the bag and eating the whole fish crackers very quickly.

Memorable moment: We gave you a chunk of cantaloupe and you loved it. You kept eating little bits, but you forgot to swallow. You ended up with a mouth full! I took the chunk from you so that you would stop eating it and you had a throw down tantrum. We had to scoop it out of your mouth because you were getting so mad and were crying so hard that we were scared you would choke.

Challenges: Working on eating non-pureed food.  You don’t love it always and we’re always afraid of you choking.

How we spend the day: You wake up around 7:30 or 8:30 and go down for about 2 hours later. Normally you will eat breakfast and play for a while in between that time.  We eat lunch around 12 and then you’ll take an afternoon nap. Now that its nice outside we’ve been going for an afternoon walk or going to swing at the park. We’ll play until about 5 or 6 and then you play with Daddy or in the kitchen with Mommy while she makes dinner. We eat dinner together and then its normally bath time.  You get your bath around 7:45, Daddy reads you and story, and Mommy nurses you and puts you in bed.

Feedings/Eating: You are nursing about 5 times in a 24-hour period. When you wake up, lunchtime, in the afternoon around 3 or 4, when we put you to bed, and then when you wake up at night. You are eating with us for three meals a day now and you also have snacks. Breakfast-waffles, yogurt, cheerios, or fruit; Lunch/dinner-a fruit or veggie and a little bit of whatever we are having; snacks-puffs, crackers, graham crackers, juice

Sleeping: You’re taking mostly 2 naps and thankfully they are getting a little longer. They normally total about 1.5-2 hours in any combination…good not great! You’re sleeping better at night and are mostly only waking about once.  There is, however, no rhyme or reason as to when you will wake up.

Personality: You’re very opinionated and continue to show us what you like and what you don’t. You will be laughing and smiling one minute, and then next second throwing a tantrum. You are so much fun to watch and to play with. You are getting to be so animated.

Likes: Swinging…you LOVE swinging and you laugh and smile the whole time, ice cream, puffs and yogurt bites, graham crackers (one of your current favorites), dancing, pulling up on things,
Dislikes: having your diaper change (Mommy’s dislike for the month too!!), not getting what you want,

Mobility: You crawl everywhere super quickly and are constantly crawling around and pulling up on anything you can get your hands on. You can easily cruise along the furniture and can even stand for a few seconds unassisted. I’m guessing that means walking isn’t far away! GASP!

Favorite toy: You really liked playing with the plastic easter eggs, but you mostly just like things you can pull up on. You also like to hold our phones and we will turn on the music and you sit and dance.

Upcoming Events: Daddy is going out of town, so we are going to spend a few days in Auburn with Aunt Caitlin and Rebecca.

New Explorations: You are into EVERYTHING! We really have to keep a close eye on you these days because you are constantly exploring you surroundings and putting things in your mouth. You are also pulling up on everything, so now things aren’t safe on lower surfaces like the coffee table and TV stand.

Sounds and words: You’ve been saying “dadin” a lot lately.  We have no clue what that is, but you say it enough that it is worth mentioning!  I think you can just say /d/ and /n/ really well so you’ve combined them.  You’ve been saying the /b/ sounds more, /y/ all kinds of vowel sounds, and I’ve finally heard the /m/ sounds!  That means you are getting closer to saying mama! J

Teeth: Still just the 6 teeth. I think you’ve been trying to get those 2 bottom ones all month, but no such luck so far!

You love goldfish!

First time drinking out of a big girl cup at Cracker Barrel. 

Yum!! Ice cream:)

GG's future student!

"My first Easter"

She was actually cracking up here because I kept putting the egg on my head.

Aubrey's 1st Easter basket.

Standing like a big girl!

Happy 10 Months Aubrey!!!

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