Thursday, May 9, 2013

All About Aubrey: 11 Months!

One more month until the big day!! I can't believe this time last year I had a big belly and no baby! It doesn't seem like you are almost a has gone by too fast. Babies shouldn't be allowed to grow up and change so quickly. That being said...I LOVE the stage you are in right now.  You are so fun to watch and interact with. You are learning new things and playing new games every day. We love you so SO much!!!

Firsts: word (I think??), bath in the big girl tub, snow cone, spaghetti o’s, pop tart, bagel, trip to the original Dwarf House, time playing in a little pool…you didn’t like it

News Headlines: Boston Marathon Bombing

Mommy’s Favorite: When I’m putting you to bed at night and you will look at me and point to my eyes, nose, mouth and then smile at me.  Then you’ll rest your head on my shoulder…I love our sweet snuggles and time together (even if it sometimes occurs at 3am)
Daddy’s Favorites: When he walks into a room and you look at him and crawl away and smile and laugh. You look back to make sure he’s coming after you.

Milestones: your vocabulary and communication

Measurements: You are still about 27lbs and around 28inches (based on our at home measurements). You’re in mostly 6-9 and 6-12 months clothes (although the 6-12 are a little big), but you still fit into a few dresses that are 3-6 because they ran a little big. Size 3 diapers.

Like Mommy: your eyes

Like Daddy: your forehead (I’ve had 2 people mention it lately)

Funniest Moment: We went to visit GG and Big D and when we first got there I guess you were excited to see GG and glad to be out of the car, but you were going nuts! You were cracking your self up over a golf ball.  This was mostly funny for you, but adorable for the rest of us. We LOVE your giggle!!

Memorable moment: Saying goodbye to the trees at Toomer’s Corner. You never got to roll the trees, but we will tell you all about that tradition when you get older!

Challenges: Naps…you were doing so well for a while, but you’re so inconsistent! Its frustrating because some days you’ll take 2 great naps in a day, but other days it’s a 30 minute morning nap, and then you’ll play and fuss for so long and refuse the second nap.

How we spend the day: You wake up around 8/8:30 and I nurse you. We play and then eat breakfast.  Lately you’ve had yogurt and we share a waffle! You go down for a nap around 10ish.  We eat lunch around 12 and you nurse sometime after that. We play some more or run errands until around 2 or 3 (depending on how long you napped earlier in the day).  I nurse you when you get up and we have a snack and then we play until its time to cook dinner. You play with Daddy or help me in the kitchen by pulling things out of the Tupperware cabinet while I cook. We start your bedtime routine around 7:45/8. Sometimes you wake up at night and sometimes around 5:30 or 6. If it is still early I will go in and feed you and put you back to sleep. So far you have done well going back to sleep as long as its before 7.

Feedings/Eating: I’ve mostly cut out night time feedings except on a rare occasion, so you’re down to 4 nursing sessions a day: when you wake up, lunchtime, late afternoon, and bedtime. I’m going to be cutting another feeding out soon, either around lunch or the late afternoon. You are eating many more solid foods these days. You’re still eating purees, as well as some kind of food that we are eating at every meal. You’re doing really well at feeding yourself, you just get really excited and forget to swallow and end up with a lot in your mouth if we aren’t careful. You are getting better about this.

Sleeping: Napping is different every day, but you normally take 2 naps around 10 and 2 for about 45minutes-just over an hour. Towards the end of this month your nighttime sleep has gotten consistently better. You’re down to at least one wake up if at all…YAY! You were mostly waking up once at random times and would occasionally sleep all the way through. However, we got a video monitor and I’ve felt more confident letting you cry for a few minutes if you wake up at night because I can see if you’re ok and if you are laying down or standing up. The first two nights we had it you woke up but fell back asleep in only about 20 or 30 minutes. The next few nights you didn’t wake up until the morning! We’ll see if this continues!

Personality: You have a great personality! You are so friendly to almost everyone you come across. You are generally in a good mood unless you are really hungry or really tired. You love to laugh and to smile and are content to play, climb, and explore. You are very inquisitive and will constantly point at things especially on our walks and we tell you what each thing is. You are normally busy and on the go, but there is always time for an occasional snuggle!

Likes: being outside, going for walks, swinging, eating snacks, juice boxes, most food, chewing on straws (and everything else actually), spaghetti o’s, being outside, the dishwasher
Dislikes: naps, oatmeal, getting your face wiped after a meal

Mobility: You’re crawling, standing unassisted, cruising along furniture, but not walking yet.

Favorite toy: Anything that you can climb and pull up on. So I’d say your “Aubrey Chair” in your room. It’s soft, just your size, and perfect for climbing on and off of.

Upcoming Events: Your first birthday!!!

New Explorations: You’ve been climbing on everything you can! You come running every time you hear the dishwasher open so that you can play in it and climb onto the door. You’ve started exploring the bathrooms, so we’ve had to watch you or make sure the door is closed. Basically you’re into everything:) Also since Easter you've loved playing with Easter eggs. You have learned to pop them apart and shoot one half across the room. You smile and bring us the two pieces and have us put them together...over and over again!!

Sounds, words, and communication: You are really communicating these days in all kinds of ways. You point to things you want and make little noises. If we give you the wrong thing you will wave your hand away. Its making meal time interesting as you point to what you want a bite of. You say all kinds of sounds these days b, d, m, n, y, and several vowels. I love that you are saying mama now, but I can’t tell if you know exactly what you’re saying yet. So, I THINK you are saying some words now…I feel like I should actually KNOW...oh well. I’m pretty sure you know who your Dada is. Also, when you throw something you say boom, and when you clap your hands you say yay! You’ve started waving when someone is leaving and you’ll say di-di. Not exactly, but you’re pretty consistent.

Teeth: I’m pretty sure you have 7 now, 4 on top, 2 on the bottom all the way through, and one that may have just broken through on the bottom…but it’s hard to tell because you poke your tongue out whenever we try to look!

Big girl tubby!

Bye Toomer's trees:(

She loved some spaghetti o's!

Chick-fil-a Original Dwarf House in Atlanta.

She was not impressed with the baby pool...

The new way we play with our barn...standing on it and gnawing on the roof!

Her new thing...blowing spit bubbles as she says "mwaa mwaa mwaa"

Happy 11 months sweet, Aubrey!!!

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