Firsts: laugh,
kindermusk class, Christmas, New Years, “snow” aka ice storm, daddy was gone
for a week for class
Mommy and
Daddy’s Favorites: We love your sweet little laugh and when you talk to us.
Mommy’s absolute favorite though is every morning when you wake up you are
pretty content. The second I come to get you and we make eye contact you give
me the BIGGEST smiles!! You will do this to Aubrey too and it is the sweetest
because she gets so excited!
smling, laughing, and cooing. You track people well and are starting to grasp
objects and bring them to your mouth.
You don’t have a check up this month so we don’t know your length, but someone
gave us a baby scale!! You weighed 15.3 lbs!! Aubrey wasn’t even 15lbs yet at 6
months! You are filling out size 2 diapers. I’m concerned we will have to
return MORE diapers hahaa…we finally swapped out all of the size 1’s we had
left. And clothes you’re in 3-6 months, but can wear a few size 3 months.
moment: You laughed!! Oh my goodness this is one of the best sounds in the
world. You are so happy first thing in the morning and I went to get you out
and touched your face…you did this huge belly laugh! Daddy couldn’t believe it
was you! Since then you’ve giggled several times, but not as big as that first
two challenges this month…1: you’re still spitting up quite a bit. Some days we
both get pretty soaked. I can’t tell if I need to up your Zantac or not because
some days you do great. We use quite a bit of Mylicon drops and you still seem
to have some tummy trouble. 2: You are still doing that thing where you cry so
hard that you almost pass out. Lets be honest…it scares the crap out of us.
Even Aubrey has started recognizing when you’re doing it and tells you to
breathe. I told the doctor and she seems to think its not a big deal and that
you’ll grow out of it. Apparently it is common. It honestly happens at least
once a day and started right around your 2 month appointment. I am thankful you
don’t really cry that much and that we can avoid it if we can keep you from
getting worked up, but its times like right before bed when you’re really tired
or when we put you in your car seat that it tends to happen. I hope this is
something you grow out of quickly!
How we spend
the day: You wake up for the day about 7:30. You can stay awake about an hour
and a half or 2 hours before you get fussy and I can tell you need some sleep.
You’re pretty good at just going with the flow and tagging along with whatever
we are doing.
You eat on demand. I try to do the eat, play, sleep, pattern, but honestly its
mostly on demand and sometimes its easier to get you to go to sleep if I nurse
you first.
Sleeping: During
the day you mostly take short catnaps. Occasionally I can catch it right and
will swaddle you and you’ll take a longer nap. I normally start getting you to
go to sleep every hour and a half to two hours. At night you are doing
amazing!! You pretty consistently sleep through the night. Sometimes you wake
up at 6/6:30 and will go back to sleep for another hour or so. But considering
you’re only 3 months old, you’re doing great!
You are a very chill and happy baby for the most part. Unless you are tired or
hungry or your tummy hurts, you’re pretty happy and pleasant to be around. You
love being around people and smile and “talk” all the time.
Likes: You
love looking at people and always smile at them when they talk to you. You love
your sisters and mommy and daddy. If we’ve been holding you for a while you
like to lay on the ground and stretch out and kick around.
Being in your car seat if you’re awake and the car isn’t moving. You also get
really fussy when you’re tired or if your tummy hurts.
Mobility: You
are a champ at holding your head up now. When we hold you up right you like to
look around. You don’t like tummy time and you spit up a ton so we don’t do it
often. When we do its normally propped up on me somehow and you’re pretty good
at holding your head up for a few seconds…then you get mad and cry.
Favorite toy: We
got out the play mat with the piano you can kick and you seem to really like
it. You started smiling really big the first time we put you under it. You kick
your feet and have recently started smacking the things hanging down.
Events: Charlotte’s birthday party
Explorations: He has been getting better at grasping objects and bringing
things to your mouth. You love slurping on your little hands.
Sounds, words,
and communication: He has been squealing, squawking and “yelling” so much lately. He has
got a loud little voice sometimes! He loves to “talk” to us and makes the
sweetest little sounds.
Teeth: none…but
he’s definitely been drooling a lot more lately
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