Sunday, December 18, 2016

Luke's 2nd Month

Firsts: Smile!, prescription (you were prescribed Zantac to help with what they think is reflux), Thanksgiving, celebrating Charlotte’s birthday, trip to the varsity, first time staying without mommy, first time coming to MOPs, and first time seeing Santa.

Mommy and Daddy’s Favorites: We both love your sweet little smile!

Milestones: smiling, making noises other than crying, tracking people. A milestone for mommy is that Charlotte turned 2 so I no longer have 2 UNDER 2!

Measurements: 13 pounds at your check up and 23 ¾ inches long. You are in 0-3 and 3 months clothing and wear mostly size 2 diapers…although we are trying to squish you in to a few more size 1’s that we have!

Like Mommy/Daddy/Aubrey/Charlotte: You look a lot like Charlotte and Daddy, but I think you’ll have brown eyes like mommy and Aubrey.

Memorable moment: The most memorable moment this month is probably not directly related to you, but you had a first because of it. Aubrey fell and ended up getting stitches in her chin. Mommy put you and Charlotte to bed and made sure you had belly full of milk and left you with our friends, the Hamiltons, so that I could go to the hospital with Aubrey.

Challenges: We still deal with the obvious diaper leaks and spit ups and things that require a thousand outfit changes a day. But the biggest challenge this month is probably that you are the third child. The first month we had a lot of help and people bringing us dinners and coming over. This month we’ve had to figure out how to things like go grocery shopping, not only with a newborn, but with a newborn and 2 other kids 4 and under. Especially recently with Christmas shopping! But honestly you’ve been the easy one this month!

How we spend the day: We normally run errands or go places in the morning. You are content to just be along for the ride and normally nap the whole time we are gone. We come back and get your sisters down for a nap around 1 or 2 so that means you’re no longer tired and ready for mommy snuggles. You normally start getting tired around 8 or 9 and start getting fussy. I swaddle you and feed you and you’re normally down for several hours.

Feedings/Eating: During the day you typically feed on demand. At night you really only wake up to eat once and occasionally twice. You are a pretty efficient nurser and eat quickly…which causes some tummy pain unfortunately.

Sleeping: At night you are doing great! When we first put you down you sleep anywhere from 5-7 hours straight! When you wake up you eat and go right back to sleep. You are still swaddled and in the rock n play. During the day you normally have one longer stretch where you sleep, but then take several short catnaps throughout the day. Your daytime sleep is pretty unpredictable.

Personality: You seem pretty laid back. Most of the time you are content to just hang out and look around unless you’re tired, hungry, wet, or your tummy hurts. You have started to smile at whoever first gets you up in the morning like you’re just so happy to see us…it just melts my mommy heart :) Occasionally though if you get really mad, you get a certain cry and will get so worked up! Your tongue curls and your face gets red and you almost kind of zone out and stop breathing…a little scary! But the doctor said its fine…you may just have a little feistiness in you after all!

Likes: Mommy and daddy, but especially your sisters! Eating, riding in the car, getting your diaper changed (so weird! But you get so calm), looking at lights,
Dislikes: when your tummy hurts, really loud noises…it makes your lip poke out and it’s the saddest thing (but your sisters are pretty loud so it takes a lot to scare you haha), taking Zantac

Mobility: You are getting really good at being held upright. Your little neck is so strong and you’re getting very good at holding your head up. You’re also getting good a bringing your hands to your mouth to slurp on.

Favorite toy: Well you’ve finally started shunning the paci almost all of the time now…so I guess your hands are your new favorite toy?

Upcoming Events: your first Christmas!

New Explorations: You seem to be seeing better and watch people a little more. You’ve also started bringing your hands or blanket up to your mouth to slurp on.

Sounds, words, and communication: You’ve started making some sweet baby cooing sounds! They are my favorite!!

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