Friday, August 14, 2015

Charlotte's 8th Month

Firsts: Tooth! Meeting some of Daddy’s intern friends, going down the slide alone...
Milestones: Crawling and pulling up, picking up small objects using pincer grip

Measurements: Size 3 diaper, 3-6 month and 9 months clothes, 26.5inches, 16lbs 12 oz.

Like Mommy: you love fruits and veggies

Like Daddy: People are saying you are looking more like Daddy these days

Unlike Aubrey: You do really well in the car most of the time, you LOVE the pool and have such a fun time, fussier while teething

Memorable moment: We were staying with GG and Big D while Daddy was out of town. GG and Mommy decided to take you and Aubrey to the park. Mommy had you on the slide and was helping you go down while GG was videoing and taking pictures. While Mommy was holding you at the top once a hornet stung her back and her hand and she accidently let go of you and you flew down the slide!! Mommy felt HORRIBLE!! Thankfully you were ok and only cried for a minute or two. Aubrey was so sweet and said she would catch you next time if you fell and was very concerned.

Challenges: Changing your diaper! Oh my goodness you are constantly on the go and roll over the second we lay you down. This means we have to do some quick changes and use all limbs to hold you down! It was also a bit of a challenge to be away from home for two different weeks this month. You actually did better than expected! But it was still a little rough some days and you slept worse.

How we spend the day: You wake up anywhere from about 6:30-8 (normally somewhere in between) and eat breakfast, we play or run errands and you take a morning nap about 2 hours after you wake up. We eat lunch about 11:30 and take an afternoon nap about 1:30/2. We play until about 5 or so and you take a final nap while mommy cooks dinner. You take a bath and get ready for bed about 7:30. You wake up once or twice to eat and go right back down.

Feedings/Eating: You are eating solids about 3 times a day now. You sit in your high chair and eat with us during meals. You still don’t love baby foot, but you eat all kinds of big people food. Your favorites currently are watermelon and mango. When you see a watermelon you get so excited even when its not cut up yet! You whine until you get to pat it and then until we give you a bite. You are getting so good a picking up little pieces and eating them. You are still nursing several times throughout the day, before bed, and a few times at night.

Sleeping: Your sleeping is getting a little better…basically all you’re doing is sleeping a little later. You are still waking normally twice a night and your naps are normally about 30 minutes…one (its always different!) is normally a little longer.

Personality: You are such happy baby! You are definitely starting to get more opinionated though and let us know when you want something and when someone takes something away that you want. You love to “talk” to us and you talk so loud sometimesJ You are becoming more adventurous but only if mommy is in sight. You love to play (and eat everything) and you are constantly laughing and smiling…mostly at Aubrey. You are fairly content most of them time except when you are frustrated because we are trying to change your diaper.

Likes: Watermelon, Mommy, Daddy, Aubrey, eating everything you can get your hands on (grass and leave included), swinging, the pool, when Mommy holds you in the ergo (Sometimes!)
Dislikes: having your diaper changed, not being able to get where you want, when mommy walks out of the room, when Aubrey takes something away that you’re playing with, when you’re strapped in the ergo and you want down.

Mobility: You have started crawling and pulling up on smaller things.

Favorite toy: You’ve had fun in your jumparoo lately and had a great time in your float at the pool. You honestly love any toy that Aubrey has and you love to play in her room.

New Explorations: Crawling and pulling up. This is a stressful time for mommy and daddy. Not only are you constantly falling and running into things, but you also can move around and you eat everything you can get your hands on. We have to watch you SO carefully!

Sounds, words, and communication: You are making so many sounds these day. “A da a da” “na na na” “ya ya ya” “blah blah blah” “la la la” etc. You love to scream and just be really loud just for fun! You talk all of the time and love to yell especially if there is an echo. You squeal with a huge smile on your face and have the most serious conversations with us and look like you know exactly what you are trying to tell us.

Teeth: You have finally gotten your bottom two teeth. It has been a little rough some days and you have been a little whinier than normal. But they are finally through and you seem to be a little happier.

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