Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Charlotte's 7th Month

I can’t believe you are already 7 months old. This one kind of snuck up on me…it doesn’t seem like its been a whole other month. How did you get closer to your first birthday than your birth??

Firsts: 4th of July, swimming in the pool in your floaty

News Headlines: Supreme Court legalizes “so-called gay marriage” in all 50 states.
Milestones: You are sitting up really well now and only occasionally fall over when you’re trying to reach for something. You are pushing yourself up really far now. You want to crawl, but you haven’t mastered getting your belly up and your knees up under you. You love to wiggle and stand and move…but you can’t do anything independently yet. You are able to pick up cheerios and put them in your mouth…you haven’t mastered the pincer grip quite yet though.

Measurements: You’re still in 3-6 month clothes except for a few 9 month pj’s and size 3 diapers. You weight 16 pounds 3 ounces according to our scale, and you’re about 26ish inches.

Funny/Memorable moment: Giving you your first food. You make the worst faces when we give you new food.

Challenges: Sleeping…always sleeping. You are so inconsistent with your nap times and wake up times. Sometimes you are up 3 times and sometimes only once. Sometimes you’ll be up for the day before 6 and sometimes not until 7. Naps range from 30-2 hours. Another new challenge is eating. We’ve officially started solids and you hate them all basically. You’ll eat a few things that are real chunks of food but absolutely hate pureed baby food. You have also had a little rash. I’m not sure exactly what it is…possibly a little virus. You’ve been a little extra fussy lately but that could be because you’re starting to realize more when mommy leaves the room.

Feedings/Eating: You’re still getting most of your calories from nursing. You’re still fed very on demand. I’m not sure why I haven’t gotten you more on a schedule with this, but you seem to do fine with how we are doing things and are gaining weight well. You’ve tried a lot of different foods so far and you basically only like puffs, yogurt bites, popsicles, and pizza crust. You also don’t mind fruit cup peaches, avocado, and watermelon. You haven’t liked one puree and have gagged a lot. I’m kind of at a loss so I’ve just tried to continue letting you try several things to see how you do!

Sleeping: We’ve tried to do a better job getting you on a sleep schedule. You take a nap about 2 hours after you wake up which usually falls about 8:30 or 9. Depending on how long you sleep and what time you get up from your nap I try to wait until 12:30 or 1 for an afternoon nap. If you sleep well then, I’ll give you one more nap about 5 for about 30 minutes and you’ll go to bed for the night starting at 7:30/45. The times aren’t consistent so you’ll occasionally take a 4th nap if one of your other ones isn’t long. You wake at night at all different times…it changes daily/weekly. I have gotten you to the point that if you wake up only an hour or so after I put you down you are able to quickly put yourself back to sleep. You normally wake about 11:30 and 3:30 and then 5 or 6 something. Sometimes you’ll go back to sleep if you’re up before 6…sometimes not. Those are hard days…

Personality: You are pretty laid back for the most part as long as mommy is around. You love to laugh and squeal at Aubrey. When you get excited you make all kinds of noises and kick your legs really big. You’re always smiling and chatting with whoever will listen. You have always been a mommy’s girl, but this seems to be growing a bit. You’ll be fine playing until I walk out of a room…then you cry and sheik and get really angry. You also get like this when someone takes something away that you want…like pizza crust.

Likes: Mommy, Aubrey, Sometimes Daddy (he’s growing on you!), some solid foods,
Dislikes: pureed baby food,

Mobility: You are creeping all over the place. I can sit you down and walk away and you will be on your belly and twisted around. I’m guessing you’ll be crawling soon! You can’t go from a sitting to laying position very smoothly yet. You like to stand but can only do it while someone is holding you.

Favorite toy: You still like Sophie the Giraffe, but basically you enjoy anything you can put in your mouth…especially if it is crinkly!

Upcoming Events: Going to GG and Big D’s house for a week two different times.

New Explorations: You are starting to focus in on smaller things and more details. You are also able to move around a little bit on your own so this helps you explore what you want. You’ve been arching your back a lot lately and will look around upside down.

Sounds, words, and communication: You’ve started doing a ya/na/da something I can’t quite decide which one. Its only occasionally and normally you stick with your old faithful AAAAA in a loud voice and high pitched squealJ

Teeth: Still nothing!

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