Firsts: It was
a big month of firsts! You met Papa (Daddy’s dad) for the first time. We went
to the pumpkin patch and you got your first pumpkin. You’ve also sadly gotten
your first ear infection and gotten your first antibiotic (Amoxicillin). You’ve
also started waving and we think said your first word while you wave “di-di”
(bye bye). You stayed with GG and Big D while mommy and daddy were gone for
several hours.
Mommy’s favorited:
Watching you and Aubrey play together is still my favorite. It has gotten even
more fun the more you grow. The other day you were following her around
crawling copying her.
Favorites: You crawled up to him and held your arms up for him to pick you up
for the first time.
You’ve been waving to people as the come and go quite frequently now. You have
also started clapping. You love dancing to music. Also you have become quite
the climber and can climb all the way up a flight of stairs. You have been
pulling up on everything and have started cruising around all of the furniture.
At the pediatrician you were right at 18 pounds. You are in size 3 diapers
during the day and I just moved you up to a size 4 at night because you were
leaking through. You are in such a mixture of sizes of clothes right now.
You’re mostly in size 12 month pj’s but can still fit in a few 9 months. In
clothes it is anything from 9 months to 12 months (these are mostly too big)
and, depending on the store, 6-12 months.
moment: You come with us to Aubrey’s kindermusik class and you love it! You get
so excited when its time for you to use and instrument and you love listening
and dancing to the music!
Funny moment:
Aubrey came in to kiss you goodnight. You decided it was time for your milk and
for her to go so you started waving bye bye to her.
Being sick! You weren’t sleeping very well and had, had a cold for over a week
with so much congestion! We took you to the doctor and we were surprised to
find you had your first ear infection. Aubrey’s never had one and you didn’t
seem phased by it during the day so I didn’t think you’d have one. You don’t
like the medicine very much and we have to hold you down to get you to take
it:/ But thankfully you’re feeling better and have been sleeping much better
How we spend
the day: You wake up between 6/7:30 each day and we start bedtime about 7:30.
During the day we are still working around your 2 naps. We’ve had a lot going
on lately so our schedule has been pretty crazy during the day. You do so well
and come along with us wherever we go. You are very flexible, do well in the
car, and really enjoy our little outings.
You are still nursing before bed, when you wake up in the middle of the night,
and a few times throughout the day…normally before a nap. I probably need to
start cutting back on this, but you have always fed on demand so it is a little
weird to cut out a feeding when they’ve been so unscheduled. You don’t always
like to eat right when you wake up so breakfast is hit or miss, but you love
eating lunch and dinner with us. You get so excited about mealtime. I’m pretty sure
its your favorite part of the day. You eat basically everything we give you so
I just give you a little abbreviated version of whatever we are eating. You
love all fruits and most veggies. You’ve even swiped green beans off of my
plate before I gave you your own. You have even eaten and liked tomatoes,
olives, cucumbers, squash, and other random food. I’m trying to take advantage
of this now and make sure you taste several different kinds of foods and
textures before you get to a picky stage.
Sleeping: For
the most part you are only waking up once a night. When you were sick you were
up quite a bit more. Thankfully you’ve gone back to sleeping better. You are
taking 2 naps a day; one is normally 30 minutes and the other is a little over
an hour. You normally go about 3 hours between your wake up time and between your
two naps.
Your little personality is really coming to life! You are such a happy baby
most of the time. It is funny to begin seeing your little opinion develop.
You’ve started “yelling” at Aubrey when she wont give you something or takes
something away. You love to laugh and smile. You love babies and animals (real
and toys) and you make the sweetest noises and start kicking your legs when you
see them. You are still a mama’s girl for sure, but you’ve gotten better with
going to some other people occasionally.
Likes: Food!
Your favorites are strawberries and blueberries. You see them and get so excited.
Aubrey and all of her stuff. Mommy and Daddy, Kindermusik, animals, bathtime,
GG and Big D!
Dislikes: when
mommy walks away or leaves you with someone else, when all of your food is
gone, when Aubrey takes something away or won’t play with you.
Mobility: You
are cruising all of the furniture now and can get wherever you want to go. You
are such a fast little crawler now. When you’re doing something you’re not supposed
to and we start to get you, you start crawling away from us really fast.
Favorite toy:
You love Aubrey’s babies and you also get excited about anything
furry…especially Aubrey’s Kitty and Ellie!
Events: Your first Halloween!
New Explorations:
You are climbing on everything and pulling up on everything you can. You can
even crawl up stairs now.
Sounds, words,
and communication: saying bye bye and waving at people. You say mama and dada
I’m just not sure if you’ve related to who we are yet. You also say ba, na,
etc. and several other sounds.
Teeth: still
just the bottom 2!
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