smile!, cooing noise, trip to visit GG and Big D, first time out of Alabama,
meeting Mimi and D-Daddy, celebrating mommy and daddy’s birthday, Valentine’s
Headlines: Gay marriage legalized in Alabama. Many probate judges are refusing
to do them or any marriages all together now.
and Daddy’s Favorites: Your smiles and soft fuzzy head
smiling and cooing noises
Weight and length clothes and diapers: all 0-3/3 months clothing, size 1 diapers
(contemplating size 2!)
Aubrey: You finally like your bath and it calms you at night
Moment: Aubrey loves helping! Especially when you’re in the bath. She likes to
make sure you have a paci if you’re crying (even if you don’t want it) and she
always comes to tell me if you’re crying so we can get you up from your nap.
moment: When you first smiled at Daddy. You’d be giving a smile here and there
a few days before, but when he looked at you, you gave him a huge grin. This
was the first time you smiled enough to get a picture of it!
You’ve been crying a bit more than last month. Nothing too bad really
thankfully!! You really like to be held during the day and don’t normally have
a good nap when we put you down.
How we
spend the day: You spend the day eating, sleeping, pooping and crying. We hang
out while Aubrey plays.
You wake up about 6:30 (give or take 30 min. or so) and eat. You aren’t
constantly eating as much as you did last month. We are really working on an
eat, play sleep schedule as opposed to an exact amount of time in between
feedings. You do pretty well and only occasionally need to be nursed to sleep.
You are becoming much for interactive during your awake time, but it isn’t long
before you become pretty fussy and are ready for another little snooze. We give
you a bath or wash you off and put your pj’s on around the same time we get
Aubrey ready for bed. I feed you around this time and we swaddle you and you
normally fall asleep either nursing or with a little bouncing and then we put
you down around 9ish. You are waking up about once now, although occasionally
twice. Lately its been about 4:30 or 5 and then you’ll go back to sleep. A few
times you haven’t fallen right back to sleep while nursing and I’ll still put
you down and you’ll go back to sleep on your own…awake!! Yay!!
You are such a happy and pleasant baby most of the time. Unless you are tired,
hungry, or your tummy hurtsJ But thankfully those things can all be fixed! When
you are awake you’ve started smiling more and making little noises. You are
content to sit and look around for a few minutes. You seem to like people and
have given all of us a smile a few times this month…even Aubrey!
Your bath, finally!, eating, being swaddled, sleeping in the car while it is
moving, being held, eating, your paci sometimes, sleeping on mommy’s chest,
white noise-especially the microwave vent (it calms you every time), eating
your hands
when the car stops (this is the time you spaz out the most), when your tummy
hurts, getting out of the bath, the dreaded tummy time
You’re getting better at holding your head up, you can lift it up a little for
a few seconds during tummy time…we really need to work on this a little more:/,
you are constantly kicking and wiggling your arms, you’ve found your little
hands and love to slurp on them. I love seeing your little tongue sticking out
while you are trying to find your mouth.
toy: Honestly your hands, you’ll take a paci every once in a while-its sweet
when you hold on to the wubbanub animal while you suck on your paci.
Events: Your 2 month check up (and shots…boo L) a visit from mommy and daddy’s
friends, Keith and Paige, and their little girl Ruth.
Explorations: We’ve tried out the play mat a few times. You seem to like
looking at the animals and yourself in the mirror for a few seconds before you
want to be picked up.
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