Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Charlotte's 1st Month

Firsts: Everything! First trip to the doctor, bath in your tub, meeting your sister Aubrey, time daddy went out of town, trip out to eat, First Christmas and new years!

News Headlines:

Mommy and Daddy’s Favorites: seeing you for the first time and hearing your sweet cry. Also seeing your big sister meet you for the first time and say “she came out! She’s not in your tummy any more!”

Milestones: You’re making some eye contact and working on holding your head up

Measurements: You were 7lbs. 9oz. at birth and dropped to 7lbs. 2 oz. At two weeks you were already up to 8lbs. 2oz. and at your month check up you were??? And were ???in. long You are growing out of your newborn diapers and we will move up to size 1 as soon as we use up this box. You are moving up to mostly 0-3month clothes because you are so long!

Like Mommy & Daddy: People say you look more like Daddy. You have both of our cowlicks so that should make for some interesting hair woes as you get older.

Like/no like Aubrey: You are very different babies already! You sleep much better and nursed well as soon as you were born. You love to be swaddled and seem to take a paci much more than she did. You both have cute little cowlicks and both loves snacks!

Funniest Moment: You shot poop out so far it hit your lamp!

Memorable moment: The moment you came out and I got to see you and when you met Aubrey for the first time!

Challenges: Your big sister Aubrey got the flu when you were only a week and a half old. We had to be VERY careful and keep you away from her for several days to keep you from getting it.

How we spend the day: We don’t really have schedule yet because we’ve had so many things come up. We’ve had a lot of family in town because of Christmas and Daddy going out of town so hopefully we will get on a better schedule this month. We basically spend the day just trying to get by with a 2 year old and a newborn;)

Feedings/Eating: I let you nurse on demand throughout the day. You eat a lot when you are awake, especially first thing in the morning and at night before you go to bed. I’m completely ok with this because you are doing so well and only normally wake up twice at night to eat.  This isn’t every night, but you normally wake up sometime around 1 and 4 and then for the day about 6-7 something.

Sleeping: You are doing such a good job sleeping! Most days you still sleep a lot throughout the day. Some days you are up more and some you still sleep almost all day unless you are eating. At night we give you your bath or wipe you off about 8 (the same time as Aubrey) and then you eat while we put her to bed. After that we swaddle you and I feed you and normally you are out for the night by 9 or 10. Sometimes you wake up right before we go to bed and sometimes not until about 1 or so. Then you wake about 4-5 and then sleep again until 6-7. It is nice because we haven’t had a time yet where you wouldn’t go back to sleep at night time. Fingers crossed you keep doing this at night!! We only had a few days at the beginning where you would only sleep while being held. Now you sleep all night in your rock n’ play sleeper and take at least one nap in it during the day.

Personality: You seem to be a big more laid back than Aubrey was, but seem to have a bit of a temper. Daddy calls you an angry elf sometimes because you get such a mad look on your face if you don’t get picked up or fed right away.

Likes/Dislikes: You like sleeping, the car when its moving, being held, nursing, a paci, mommy, being worn in the k’tan (it puts you to sleep), being swaddled, looking at fans
You dislike your carseat when we aren’t moving, when you wake up and we don’t immediately pick you up and feed you,

Mobility: You are able to pick your head up and move it from side to side when we have you on our chest or upright. We started working on tummy time and you seem to be doing ok, but its hard to tell because you got kind of mad.

Favorite toy: You like your Wubbanub sheep paci

Upcoming Events: Your 1 month appointment tomorrow. You’re able to get out of the house more at 6 weeks (we broke the rules a little early this time), but because it is the winter and cold/flu season, I’ll still probably limit the places we go to where people aren’t touching or passing you around.

Sounds, words, and communication: right now you are pretty much just grunting and crying. You do make a cute “mmm” sound when you are nursing.

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