Friday, May 15, 2015

Charlotte's 5th Month

Firsts: rolling both ways, trip to the zoo, night in your crib and own room, Mother's Day,

Mommy and Daddy’s Favorites: The way you act with Aubrey! You can be a total grouch and when you see Aubrey you start smiling and giggling. We also love the sound of your sweet laugh!

Milestones: Rolling from belly to back and back to belly

Measurements Weight and length clothes and diapers:

Like Aubrey: you transitioned into your crib fairly easy, you are starting to hate the paci :(, you love to eat everything and put everything in your mouth
Unlike Aubrey: you have such chunky legs! You seem to have a harder time going to other people and tend to scream and cry until you get Mommy back. She was much more content with others. As soon as you see Mommy and realize someone else is holding you your little lip pokes out and the tears begin.

Memorable moment: When Aubrey sat on you :/ and later "lolled" you across her floor.

Challenges: SLEEP! So there is this little thing called a 4 month sleep regression and it is for the birds! The struggle was real this month as we had to function off of minimal sleep and waking up every hour or two for several nights in a row. You also decided your new wake up time was was horrible. You have thankfully gotten back to normal towards the end of the month.

How we spend the day: Our days are crazy! If we are home you take a nap 3-4 times a day and sleep anywhere from 35min.-2 hours. We start your bedtime routine about 7:30 and you are up for the day normally about 6 something. We make several trips to Montgomery throughout the week so you are pretty good about sleeping in the car and are content to be out and about.

Feedings/Eating: You go about every 3ish hours. You are basically fed on demand. At night (except for a few rough weeks) you go anywhere from 3-5 hours at a time. You are still only nursing although you seem to be getting more and more interested in what's on our plate. We will wait one more month before starting solids!

Sleeping: Wow, this was a rough month for that. Night time sleep was just not happening. You were waking every hour on the hour some nights. Thankfully you are back to only waking once around 2-3 and then up for the day about 6/6:30. Its early, but I'll take it for now. You are also now sleeping in your crib. It seems to be helping a little. I think you were getting more mature sleep habits and not sleeping as deeply so we were waking you up. You transitioned really well. If you wake up about 5 something I'll try to put you back in the rock n' play to see if it helps you sleep a little longer. We are also trying to wean you out of the swaddle. It is hard during nap time because you seem to wake up when I lay you down. We keep trying looser swaddling and one arm swaddling. Hopefully you'll be completely in your crib and unsaddled by next month.

Personality:You seem to be fairly laid back and content as long as you are with Mommy and you aren't tired. If you cry there is normally a reason.

Likes:Sophie the Giraffe, eating your hands, eating anything near your hands and mouth, Aubrey, Mommy, sometimes Daddy, being outside, your bath
Dislikes: when someone else holds you, when you're tired, riding in the car, being left where you can't see Mommy,

Mobility: Right after your 4 month appointment you rolled from your tummy to your back. You've been consistently doing this all month. On your 5th month birthday you rolled from your back to your belly twice. You are still not confident at this but you have been practicing. You are getting better with grasping objects and bringing them to your mouth.

Favorite toy: Anything you can put in your mouth honestly. You love your hands. You also like your little blanket bunny and recently have loved Sophie the Giraffe because you can chew it!

Upcoming Events: a visit from GG, Big D, and Madeline, VBS, Aubrey's 3rd birthday, and your first trip to the beach.

New Explorations: Your learning to roll over the past month has allowed you to view your little world a little differently. As you get more confident bringing things to your mouth you have been exploring things this way more and more.

Sounds, words, and communication: You have been screeching and chatting up a storm all month. When you talk to us you have the most expressive looks on your face and say "Aaaaa aaa aaaaa". You laugh and squeal and its the cutest sound.

Teeth: No teeth yet but you drool like a champ! I would guess a tooth this month or next by the way you drool and constantly put things in your mouth.