Thursday, July 11, 2013

Our Family Beach Trip

My family has been going to Hilton Head since I was in the second grade.  It is one of my favorite places! I've been on several family vacations there, youth trips with my youth group, we went on our honey moon there, and this year we brought Aubrey! I have so many wonderful memories from over the years! Here are a few pictures from our most recent trip and a few from the past years...

Our honey moon



This year:

she hated the sand...

But she rocked the attire!


We love our Mommy!!

She was taking off!

Just one of the girls:)

This pretty much sums up our trip...we walked up and down a bigillion stairs.

Fun with Mommy on the way home!

We had a great vacation...didn't spend a whole lot of time on the beach, but enjoyed every second we got to spend together!! So thankful for such a wonderful family:D

Aubrey's 12 Month Post...1 YEAR OLD!!!!

Better late than never, right?? 

Firsts: Birthday:), Mother’s Day celebration, steps!! And walking around, climbs a full flight of stairs, getting into a pool and going in a floaty,

News Headlines: Several severe Tornados hit in Oklahoma. One hit a school and several were killed.

Mommy and Daddy’s Favorites: We both LOVE that we can say “love Mommy” or “love Daddy” and you give a big hug!! We also love that you’ve started humming to music.

Milestones: You’re taking steps by yourself!! You’re also able to go to a standing position without pulling up on something…you practice this a lot.

Measurements: You are still in a size 3 diaper and are wearing 6-9 months clothing (this fits you best) and some 6-12 months if they make a 6-9. At your check up you were 29 inches (50%) and 17lbs 11oz (5%).

Memorable moment: Watching you take your first steps and toddling around the room. Also, spending my first Mother’s Day as a mommy! We celebrated after church by going to lunch at Robert Trent Jones golf course and you gave me a sweet card with a puppy.

Challenges: UGH…naps!! And also, we went to the beach for a few days and you basically hated it.  You hated the feel of the sand in your toes, the sound of the ocean, and swimming in the pool. We go for a week this weekend so hopefully you learn to love it!

How we spend the day: You get up anywhere from 5:30-7:30. If you wake up before 7 you will normally go back to sleep after I go in and feed you and will sometimes sleep until 9:30.  We eat breakfast together around 9:30 and unless you’ve slept in you will go down for a nap around 10 or 10:30. We eat lunch together about 12 and then play for a little bit before your 2:00 afternoon nap (sometimes about 3:00). After your nap we have a snack and then go for a walk. We play together until dinnertime. We start your bath and bedtime routine about 7:45 or 8 and then you go to sleep.

Feedings/Eating: You are down to 3 daytime feedings (when you wake up, late afternoon, and before bed).  And can I just say how proud I am of both of us…we made it through a year of nursing! We will probably drop the afternoon feeding after the beach. You are doing so a good job with eating real food this month and are eating fewer pureed foods! You are eating almost everything we give you and are starting to eat more at each meal. You love all kinds of fruit except fresh blueberries. You tend to throw it off of your tray. You don’t love meat but are doing much better with it. You also don’t like tomatoes so I think you may not like the texture of things with a skin on the outside. You have also been drinking whole milk with your breakfast. You don’t seem to mind it but don’t drink as much of it as water or juice. Here’s a list of some things you’ve been eating recently…
Breakfast-blueberry waffles, cereal, yogurt, fruit
Lunch-spaghetti O’s, grilled cheese, string cheese, mandarin oranges, peaches, pears, cantaloupe, turkey, whole wheat bread, pureed veggie
Dinner-you usually eat a little bit of what we eat and then I’ll supplement with a pureed fruit or veggie, you love actual peas and green beans but not pureed ones

Sleeping: If I were grading you I’d give you a B… You are definitely doing so much better! There are several nights you’ve slept from about 8:30-7:30. BUT…you’ll occasionally wake up at about 5:30 and I don’t love it. You also wake up in the middle of the night once a week or every two weeks where you won’t go back to sleep on your own and need me to go in there. This creates a 4th feeding for the day, which is a concern of mine when you’re weaned. I know it will all work out eventually, but it’s the inconsistency that is a little frustrating.

Personality: You love to laugh and play. You are such a sweet little girl to be around. You are outgoing and fun unless you are scared or there are a lot of unfamiliar people around. Then you are pretty quiet and shy. You are so friendly when we are out and about, and you love to wave and greet everyone you see.

Likes: waving at people wherever we go, climbing on things, ice cream sandwiches,
Dislikes: the ocean, sand, and pool, not getting your way, when we take something away that you want, when mommy or daddy leave,

Mobility: You are walking around now. You’ve taken several steps in a row (around 10 at times) and have gone half way across your room. You don’t feel quite confident with it so it isn’t your made method of getting around quite yet. You love to climb on everything and you’ve recently been climbing up the stairs whenever you can find them…its pretty nerve wracking for mommy.

Favorite toy: Your lovie (elephant, cat, or giraffe) and your sheep that sleep with you in your crib every night. You always want to “rescue them” when we get you up in the morning or from your nap.

Upcoming Events: The beach and your 1st birthday party!

New Explorations: Putting the phone up to your ear and pretending you have a phone in your hand and putting your hand to your ear when you hear one ring, humming when you hear music, dancing and pointing to our phone when you want to hear music. You will crawl from room to room and put your hands up like “where’d he go” when you are looking for “dada” and are always confused when he isn’t in his office. Turning a light switch on and off.

Sounds, words, and communication: You can now tell us what a puppy says! You love dogs and reach out to them and say “oof oof”. We can ask you when we aren’t around puppies what does a puppy say and you will also tell us “oof oof”.  You are communicating with us all day, we are just having to learn what all you’re saying. When you say “baaa” it means you want us to give you something. Not a real word obviously, but its funny. I’m positive you know who “dada” is because we were in the grocery store one day and he went to get something. All of a sudden you were saying “DADA DADA” really loud and I looked up and there he was. You will also point to lights and say “ight”…you love the light in the car and point to it every time we get you out of your car seat. So I started telling you “l-l-light”.

Teeth: Still 6! I was wrong last night about the 7th tooth last month.

Our first Mother's Day together.

One of our daily walks with her friends after a nap.

Bed head!!!

Someone LOVES cookies!

Our sweet family of 3!

The birthday girl!

These two make me laugh...she dug the puffs out of her bag, took off the lid with her teeth, and went to town!!! Then she waved at me when I caught her:)

Celebrating at the zoo:)

Happy 12 months, Aubrey!!