Wednesday, March 13, 2013

She's Engaged!

She’s engaged!!!

I am SO excited!!! A few weeks ago we found out about Kyle's plan of a surprise engagement party and, of course, that he was going to propose to Caitlin!  We went up a little early to enjoy a little lunch in Auburn...

It's so crazy to me that Josh and I went to Momma G's on our first "unofficial" date about 9 and a half years ago and now we are bringing our baby here! 

We met up with my parents and Madeline after lunch and then headed to Kyle's house.  His family was there and many of their friends...and some pretty tasty food! We hung out for a while and finally they came in...

They were just a little happy;)

We all had a lot of celebrating this special day together and can't wait to start getting everything ready for the big's a few more pictures...

For more and some super fun pictures check out Caitlin's facebook page...I apparently don't have too many....but those were some highlights!!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

All About Aubrey: 9 Months Old

I just realized I hadn't posted anything since last month's All About Aubrey...we've been a little busy and I took a photography class that took up a lot of my free time at night.  I'll do better this month and already have a few posts in mind:) 

For now...holy cow!! It doesn't seem like it has been a whole month since I wrote Aubrey's last post. This month has flown by!  I told my mom that these past 9 months have gone by much fast than the 9 before:)  If I had to choose a month where she's changed the most I think this past month would be it.  She's learned so many new things and seems to have become closer to a toddler and farther away from a little baby.  Some days I miss that little baby, or maybe I'd like to freeze time right now because you're at such a fun age! We love you so, SO much sweet girl!!  Happy 9 months, Aubs!!!

Firsts: cold :(, pulling up on the side of your crib (we had to drop your crib down towards the beginning of the month), crawling, eating pancakes, engagement party (it was funny because you knew it wasn’t about you and you kept blowing off Caitlin the whole night even though you normally really like her), waving bye-bye, trip to the park, swinging in a swing and sliding down a slide.

News Headlines: I’ve been pretty busy lately so I haven’t watch the news…don’t judge.  But big news in our lives…Caitlin got engaged to her boyfriend Kyle!!  We are all so excited for her.  We went to Auburn to surprise her for an engagement party.

Mommy’s favorite: I love that you dance to music…it makes me laugh everytime. I also LOVE when I build towers with your stacking cups.  You love to knock them down and you crack up every time!!
Daddy’s Favorites: When he pretends to chase you and you smile and try to crawl away.

Milestones: You have started doing so many new things this month.  I think within the past 2 weeks you’ve really taken off. You are now able to easily pull up, crawl like a little speed demon.  You have become so mobile the past month…we first found you sitting up in your crib at the beginning and now you can sit up, lay down, stand up, and crawl away. My little baby is growing up so quickly! You also started waving bye-bye today!!

*Measurements: You’re wearing all size 3 diapers.  Your clothes are such a mish-mosh of sizes. You can still wear some 3-6 months, but some are too small.  Plus the next size up is weird…we have the option of 6-9, 6-12, 9 months, and 12 months.  You can fit into some of all of these sizes, but some of the exact same sizes in the same brands are huge on you. So we just keep trying on things every day which you love…HA!  You have your check-up tomorrow so we will see your weight and length.

Like Mommy and Daddy: you love to eat snacks

Funniest Moment:  We were at a restaurant and whenever we are out and there are other kids around you try to squeal and talk to them really loudly.  Well a little boy started pitching a fit and screaming super loud. He was about 2 or so and Aubrey was just staring at him and squealing and yelling at him in her loudest voice.  It was hilarious and the table behind us was laughing at this crazy scene.

Memorable moment: You exploded your diaper of course when we were 30 minutes away from home about to eat lunch.  We had you in the trunk of the car and you had poop running down your leg…it was everywhere!!  We finally got you all cleaned up and put your clothes in a doggie bag from the trashcan outside of Petsmart and put your diaper in the doggie “oopsie” trashcan.

Challenges: Your stuffy nose was difficult for a few days…you were so pitiful! Your constipation problem took a 180 turn due to teething. Also diaper changing has become a daily challenge…you refuse to stay on your back for longer than about 3 seconds.  This makes for some interesting moments.

Feedings/Eating: You nurse about every 4 hours.  You eat breakfast sometimes, lunch, and dinner. If you eat breakfast it is normally yogurt and some cheerios with juice. For lunch and dinner you eat some kind of fruit and a veggie.  You are doing really well at eating things like cheerios, puffs, Mum mums or crackers or other dry bready items.  You gag or refuse to eat anything slimy like peaches, noodles, avocado, etc.

Sleeping: This changes about every other day…we just can’t get you on a schedule!!  Even if we put you down about 8 every night, you wake up at different times throughout the night and in the morning.  You were doing well and only waking up once and still sleeping in until about 8:30, but recently you’ve been waking up twice again.  Napping…sigh… You were sleeping about an hour or hour and a half at least once and then a 30 or 45-minute nap.  When you were sick you slept for about 2 hours and then another one-hour nap.  Now, its anyone’s guess how long and how many naps, and anywhere from 1-3 naps a day, and anywhere from 30 minutes to and hour and 30 minutes.  Also, I should add this to challenges, but you’ve been harder to get down for a nap ever since you learned to pull up on your crib.

Personality: I think you get a stronger personality every month.  You know what you want and you really let us know if you love something or hate it.  You have become so fun recently! You make yourself laugh sometimes and will look at us with a big smile on your face like you are just trying to get us to make you laugh. You can be so silly sometime, but you can also pitch a major fit if you don’t like something.

Likes: going outside, crawling around and pulling up on all furniture, dancing to music, eating snack food like puffs, mum mums, cheerios, graham crackers, etc., mommy and daddy, GG and Big D (you reached for GG even when you were with mommy the whole time we saw her and Big D peeked in on you in the nursery and you cried when he walked away…he liked it a little bit!), eating shoes
Dislikes: Saline drops, getting your nose sucked, eating mango and noodles, getting your diaper changed, taking naps, when mommy or daddy walk away, wearing shoes

Mobility: You have absolutely taken off in this area this past month.  You can now crawl very quickly and get where you want to go.  You are also starting to cruise on furniture once you pull up. This is pretty new though so you are still pretty slow.

Favorite toy: We have these stacking cups that are different colors that you love to un-stack. They were in a drawer and you crawled over, opened them, and pulled them out to play with. These are the cups you love to knock down!

Upcoming Events: Your 9 month check up. Going to Atlanta for a girls weekend and Aunt Madeline’s prom with Rebecca and Aunt Caitlin.

New Explorations: You are exploring the house all on your own now that you can crawl!  I’ve had to make sure all of the outlets are covered and the cords and such are up.

Sounds and words: You babble all of the time.  Still your go to /d/ and /n/ sounds.  You may have added the /b/ sound the other day.  But you mix them with all the different vowel sounds instead of just da da and na na.

Teeth: You now have 6 teeth!! Holy moly they came in fast! Both top teeth have come through now, and just the other day I was tickling her and saw she had gotten both of her next top teeth (not sure what they are called). I’m not sure when they came in exactly! I kept thinking you were teething, but never saw the bottom ones, which I thought were supposed to come in first. So…they were a surprise!

Yummy pancakes!

Finger painting with homemade finger paint.

Aubrey's first Valentine's Day

Poor little sick baby:(

Swinging for the first time...she loved it!

At the park with Mommy and Daddy

Greeting us by standing up in her crib.


A real glimpse at a 9 month old taking pictures.

Happy 9 Months Aubrey:)