Happy 8 months Aubrey! I can't believe how quickly you are growing and changing...you're becoming such a big girl. We love you so, SO much!!!
Firsts: sitting in a shopping cart and a high chair in a restaurant, prescription, eating Gerber Mum Mums, sitting up in bed after a nap.
Firsts: sitting in a shopping cart and a high chair in a restaurant, prescription, eating Gerber Mum Mums, sitting up in bed after a nap.
Headlines: 5-year-old boy was held hostage in Midland, AL for several days in
an underground bunker. He was
finally rescued by FBI!
Favorite: When you bob to music and clap your hands
Favorite: When you kick your legs like a dolphin and get really excited right
before you eat.
pulling up on Mommy’s fingers to a standing position, picking up small things
(like Cheerios) using a pincer grip, you can drink out of a sippy cup all by
yourself and are great at it!, you go easily from a sitting position to laying
down, once we found you in your crib after a nap sitting up!
You are wearing size 6-9 and 9 month footie pj’s. Most of your clothes are 3-6, but they some seem a little
snug and some 6-9 month clothes are starting to fit. You are in size 3 diaper at night and during the day as soon
as we finish up a few more size 2’s. You weigh 16 lbs. 3 oz. based on our home
scale and are about 26.5 inches.
Moment: I can’t think of one particular moment, but you are so much fun to
watch! Everything you do makes us
smile and laugh. We love watching you bounce in your jumperoo, listen to you
talk really loud in public places, the fact that you go after everything with
your mouth wide open, and its even a little funny when we take something and
you get really mad. This won’t be
funny later, but for now it is a little bit because you’re so little and you
have such a strong opinion about things.
moment: Not necessarily a wonderful moment, but memorable nonetheless! You had
been having a little, um, issue with constipation…Poor babyL
You had gotten pretty miserable.
We’d called the doctor, made a visit, and called back, We tried peaches,
pears, prunes, oatmeal, and even a stool softener, but to no avail. The final call lead us to buy some
glycerin suppositories. We called
Steffani to come over and help us.
Let’s just say it was quite an experience. I have basically never seen so much poop in my life! Let alone coming out of someone so
tiny. Hopefully you are feeling much
better now!
Your constipation issue…sorry kid!
It has been so frustrating and I feel like we’ve tried everything. We’ve eliminated foods such as bananas,
all cereals because of the iron, and even apples. We’ve given you prescription stool softeners and juice
everyday. The medicine started
gagging you and making you throw up everything you’d eaten. We are still working on this one.
How we
spend the day: You wake up about 8:30 most mornings (occasionally 7ish if
you’ve only woken up once during the night). Daddy gets you up and changes your diaper and then mommy
nurses you. We play, eat a little
breakfast, and then you go down for a nap about 2 hours later. During the day we play, read, run
errand (aka go to Walmart…), go for walks, and play some more! Hard life! Some days we will go for a
real adventure to Prattville so we can go to Target and grocery shop at Publix!
You eat dinner around 6:30 and then start your bedtime routine around 7:30 or
8. You get a bath, take your
vitamins, get on your jammies, Daddy reads you a story, and then Mommy nurses
you and puts you in your crib.
You have done much better this month and are gagging much less. You nurse about 5-6 times a day
(depending on how many times you wake up at night), about every 4 hours. You
eat yogurt, cheerios, and juice for breakfast and some kind of fruit and veggie
for lunch and dinner. You don’t
always eat three solid meals, but we are working on it.
You are (knock on wood!) sleeping a little better. You are taking a little longer of naps. You take about 2-3 naps a day and
normally at least one is over an hour and only the 3rd one if you
take it is about 30 minutes. At
night you were very consistently waking up about 12 and 4. Recently you’ve bumped the 4 o’clock
feeding to about 5:30 and twice you’ve skipped the 12 o’clock feeding! I’m not getting my hopes up though
because you are so inconsistent.
You have such a fun, silly, and strong personality. You have since the day you were born. It is really starting to shine
through. You are so determined to get
and do what you want and get mad and frustrated when you can’t. You love to laugh, and sometimes you
just look at us and giggle like you’re just waiting for us to do something
funny to crack you up. You love to
play with your toys and you “talk” to your friends like Elmo while we ride in
the car.
Likes: Mum
mums, cheerios, puffs, yogurt bites, mommy’s fresh sweet potatoes, when we come
get you out of your crib when you wake up, playing with your toys, playing in
the bath, going for walks, riding in the grocery cart like a big girl.
avacados, sitting in the carseat, not being able to do something, having
something you want taken away, when Mommy and Daddy walk away (you’ve started a
little bit of separation anxiety recently)
you are really wanting to crawl, but just haven’t quite made it yet. You will
grab onto things and pull yourself across the floor. Recently you’ve gotten very fast and you don’t stay in one
place for very long. You will push
yourself with your knees, but you haven’t quite figured out how to coordinate
everything yet. You are also love holding on to Mommy’s hands and pull yourself
up to a standing position. You try
to do this with objects, but are still timid and can’t pull yourself all the
way up yet. You can go from
sitting to laying down better now.
toy: shape blocks, Sophie the Giraffe, anything you probably shouldn’t have.
You’ve recently start liking your paci, but not to suck on like a normal baby,
you like to chew on the plastic part.
It entertains you for a while and is great while we are grocery shopping
because we can clip it on so it doesn’t fall.
Events: Mommy’s birthday, GG and Big D and Madeline are coming o visit
Same sounds, na na na and da da da we hear all day long. The new thing is that you have gotten
so much louder. It’s really funny
because you have a lot to say and you are so loud, especially in restaurants.
You also mix them all up and can have quite a conversation now. You have the funniest expressions when
you are talking to us.
Enjoying a MumMum
...and some cheerios
One of her favorite things...taking out all of her toys
2 little teeth!
gnawing on Sophie
She loved Chick fil A:)
How I found her after nap time on her 8 month birthday.
Happy 8 Months sweet, Aubrey!!! We love you:)